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Re: Official Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge (2021/22, the 15th annual) Discussion thread [Big John]
Big John wrote:
Sounds like a great plan, tribern! Regarding the 2x15 minutes and Starva synching, I am considering doing that on Thanksgiving, so I can report back then with how it works if no one responds before.

Happy Thanksgiving Big John!

I'm manually adding up the time and distance when I run twice a day and logging that into the ST Training Log, but because I'm also saving the complete run walk of >30 minutes to Strava, I need to take care that when I synch Training Log with Strava it doesn't pull the whole run walk into the 100/100 log again. (As part of my health insurance I have a rewards plan that games healthy habits and gives shopping vouchers for meeting targets. The minimum is 30 minutes of exercise at 60% Max HR)

I'm interested in hearing how your 2 x 15 went WRT synching Strava with ST Training Log.

Last edited by: tribern: Nov 25, 21 16:45

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by tribern (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 25, 21 16:45