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Re: Official Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge (2021/22, the 15th annual) Discussion thread [CallMeMaybe]
CallMeMaybe wrote:
I just signed up. It’s been so long that I didn’t know how to do it! I had to read the article and look at the picture.

The consistency of this thing has been very good for me in the distant past, but I don’t think I ever started out as out-of-shape as I am now. If I can stick with this— even with my pitiful efforts, it will be good.

I saw Randy’s name twice in the list of registrants. I saw my name twice. That’s normal?

What happened to you on Saturday that injured you?

(Also, I didn’t brush my teeth. I changed my mindset, instead! Winning!)

You can do it!

Something weird is definitely going on with the entrants.

Not really sure what happened on Saturday. Combination of things, maybe? Getting old, my orthotics are falling apart, bad luck, I stepped off the edge of the road a week ago (maybe something residual)... At any rate, I developed and inflamed posterior tibialis at the end of my long run. So, now I've got a couple weeks of rehab. I've ordered new custom orthotics....they'll probably be here about the time I can start running again.

(PS: How very California. :-)
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 3, 21 19:32

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 3, 21 19:32