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Re: Official Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge (2021/22, the 15th annual) Discussion thread [Tribike53]
Tribike53 wrote:
My issue with the 3 mi/30min minimum is you have to have a pretty solid running base to ramp up to a daily run of this size on top of any other training plan you are already doing.

In my case I have a plan thats 20-30 mpw over 3 days/week. If I want to add the other 4 days to join this challenge I now have to run an additional 12 miles in that week which is more than a 50% increase over my current fitness.

I could take advantage of the rollover rule to get myself to 5 runs a week with my current plan but even an additional 2 days/6 miles each week on my rest days is an increase of 20-35%.

I voted for 2 miles/20 min but actually like the runeveryday.com suggestion of a mile/10 min better

you have 18 days to bump the mileage up. this challenge is an offseason fitness maintenance challenge (which during this time it is much more difficult to bike and swim outside) and not meant to cater to someone's specific program. 3/30 should be kept for legacy reasons.

personally, i maybe out this year on purpose. If my focus is improving my mile time, I need to avoid the mileage trap.
Last edited by: synthetic: Oct 27, 21 16:34

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  • Post edited by synthetic (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 27, 21 16:34