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Re: Official Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge (2021/22, the 15th annual) Discussion thread [Slowman]
I can't seem to find the poll.

This will be my third year doing it and I, personally, would like to see the commitment shorten slightly. Min of 20 mins, maybe. My reasoning... Not because the current challenge is too hard (I actually like 3mi or 30mins). It's because I'm also trying to squeeze in bike and strength training, also, and it simply comes down to time. With this being a triathlon forum, I'm sure others participating in the challenge are facing the same crunch.

I'm currently doing the Endurance Nation 100 in 100. It's a little different, in that it's a minimum of 1 run per day, each day for 100 days. No days off with multiple runs on other days to get back on track. However, the minimum is 1mi, allowing for additional training.

That said, if it remains 3mi or 30min, that's what I'll try again.
Last edited by: throxy: Oct 26, 21 5:50

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  • Post edited by throxy (Big Pines) on Oct 26, 21 5:50: Additions