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Re: US amateur rider handed four-year doping ban after winning cat three race [ThisIsIt]
ThisIsIt wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
Honestly if your T is low, and has been tested as such, you may want to get a sleep study done to see if you have sleep apnea. If you can somehow fall asleep with a CPAP on consistently (I can't), your T will go up. Now, if that doesn't work, there are "natural" test boosters that you can get on the shelf that will help boost your Test. Granted, some of them are on the WADA list (Why, I'll never know, but it's dumb that they are). I would put a lot of money on a bet that a significant number of amateur athletes that compete in Triathlon and Cycling take Test Booster supplements like L-Carnitine-L-Tytrate and DAA.

I have no idea if my T is low, maybe? I just wouldn't mine taking it to help add some muscle if I could find an easy way to get it.

How about a marijuana? Which I think is on the WADA list. Does anyone believe that someone who likes to smoke weed and race bikes is actually cheating?

They are breaking the rules afterall.

IRT Marijuana, everyone that competes seriously in Triathlon and Cycling knows that it is a banned substance in competition. Out of competition use had been declared as ok. The threshold for in-competition use is high enough that you'd have to be hot-boxing your van right before the test or are an abusive user. Additionally, it can be used as a masking agent.

But you're looking to take T for lifestyle purposes but you don't even know if you have low testosterone. In order to get a prescription from your GP you would need to be diagnosed with Low-T. Otherwise you'd have to go to one of those anti-aging clinics that just seems to write scrips en masse for the right price.

ericMPro wrote:

Depends on what we're trying to accomplish. There is a very good reason to catch Cat 4 cheaters instead of the upper levels that has nothing to do with racing or fairness or even resources.


What's the purpose though? As a deterrent? Don't we do this in criminal law where people tell me that the death penalty is not a deterrent, or long prison sentences aren't a deterrent? I think they're very similar in that regard, the only way it is a deterrent is if they're actually enforced.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
Last edited by: TheStroBro: Oct 14, 21 9:17

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  • Post edited by TheStroBro (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 14, 21 9:17