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Re: Oh My Aching Saddle [ericMPro]
Had a bike fit client the other day who came to me with a BiSaddle EXT "long" saddle and some "sage" advice from his local bike shop to put the saddle sides together as narrow as possible and the saddle very far forward on the rails.

After 15min of mucking around, before even getting over onto the fit bike we had the saddle front on the widest holes and spread as wide as it would go and the saddle about 5cm behind the BB, with some downward tilt. Client went from "I'm so uncomfortable, I hate my bike" (not to mention his saddle I assume) to "I can't believe how comfortable I am, I love my bike".

Point being, with the BiSaddle rails narrow, it very much looks like a regular road bike saddle, and my client very much had a road bike fit (on his tri bike, not good). Don't be afraid to get off your sit bones and onto your pelvic bones with soft tissue off the front... to do this your saddle will need to be well back, tilted down, and your pelvis rotated forward. When you rotate your pelvis forward, you effectively lengthen your back, so you might need more reach to go along with your BiSaddle.


Edit: Should also add that we used the "flat" platform (as opposed to "normal" and "rounded") and it worked well.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

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Last edited by: ericMPro: Oct 5, 21 14:24

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 5, 21 14:24