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Re: Looks like Kona postponed to Feb 2022. [sch340]
sch340 wrote:
If everyone that comes off a plane is vaxxed (except kids, who are at negligible risk) and the vaccine works really really well (which is does), why would there be a concern about holding an event like this vis-Ă -vis the hospital system?

Because the vaccine does not prevent a person from being a carrier (symptomatic or asymptomatic) of the virus. A person who is fully vaccinated can possibly still be carrying the virus and pass it on to others unknowingly. That is my issue with where the safe travels program has gone since July. I know the state is reporting manini cases from travelers, but I'd like to see negative testing requirements reimplemented. I know that most of the hospitalized cases here are from the unvaccinated, but I'd like to see the true contact tracing from where they received the virus. I cannot find the story right now. Earlier this week there was a story on the news one evening about a family that was all set to come to Hawaii for vacation. All but one of the family was fully vaccinated and the unvaccinated member was a child under the age of twelve. He required a negative test to gain entry into Hawaii without a quarantine period. Well, the child had the virus and after the family was tested the majority of them did as well. A vaccine passport would not have caught and prevented this family from coming to the island. Only because of a positive test did they know they has the virus.

A little suspicious that roughly twelve days after the negative test requirement was dropped for a vaccine passport that cases in Hawaii skyrocketed and has stayed that way since. Early on a July 4th spike could be attributed to the high number of cases, but things are getting even worse now.

Restrictions should be put back in place and negative test requirements should be enforced for incoming flights.
Last edited by: GingerAvenger: Aug 19, 21 12:48

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  • Post edited by GingerAvenger (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 19, 21 12:48