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Dude, I know this sounds obvious, but there are circles where people manipulate each other and screw each other over consistently, but there are other circles where people genuinely try to help each other out with no expectation for personal gain. Lately, I've witnessed some truly amazing acts of generosity that lead me to believe that there are lots of places where behaviors don't have ulterior motives. Yes, you can look back on a series of events and then fabricate a conspiracy that explains that past series of events. That is one perspective but it's not positive and does not foster any positive or supportive thinking. That negativity just leads to more skewed perceptions of past events which fosters even more negativity.

What if you went out of your way to interpret events in a positive manner? What if one time out of ten you were wrong? Yes, you'd catch that one time someone really was screwing you, but you would not also taint those nine other positive experiences.

Anyway, I'll buy tickets if you and Slowman want to duke it out, because I bet that triathletes would be pretty funny fighters, but it's probably not worth the time away from training.

I just pitched in a little cash for Ken and you should both post cash and retract those negative posts--- They are poisonous. At a minimum you bummed out the people who were fundraising for Ken and you may have also bummed out a guy who is training 200 miles a day in hopes of making it across the country on his bike in 8 or 9 days. Why wouldn't you want to support that?

Last edited by: MarcK: Mar 20, 06 20:09

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  • Post edited by MarcK (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 20, 06 20:09