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Re: Official ITU discussion thread... [TRO Saracen]
I had posted this some days ago...after a heart surgery, even a small one, then some weeks of rest and now the olympics? It is a crazy idea and dont understand it at all. It is kind of risky for him and bad for the team...Sullwald has not shown up for quite a lonfg time but I guess you can put someone like him our any youngster for the relay cause Murray will not run 100%..

I read some news about bookmakers on the race...Zaferes is the less profitable (which I dont understand) and Duffy and Spirig are not even in the top 4
In the men´s , Mola is no.1, then Luis, then J.Brownlee and Yee...again, ..more sense, but JB????
So, if you wanna earn some dollars, make some investment cause I think the ones betting dont follow the sport too much...

Spaniard. Sorry for my english for the sensitive ones :P
Last edited by: juanillo: Jul 22, 21 4:21

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  • Post edited by juanillo (Lightning Ridge) on Jul 22, 21 4:21