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Re: Official ITU discussion thread... [juanillo]
juanillo wrote:

Knibb, Rappaport, Spivey or Zaferes
Pearson, Mc Elroy (hemming if he gets the 3rd spot, what about mc dowell)

Gtb,Learmonth, Holland
JB, Yee

Spirig, Annen
Studer, Brifford or A.Salvisverg

Van der Kaay, Thorpe
Wilde, Reid (Ward has appealed)

Gentle, Van Coevorden
Birtwhistle, Royle or William

Lindemann, Tersch
Schomburg, Nieschlag

Any correction is welcome

As already mentioned, AUS likely to pick Matt Hauser. Hauser (in 2nd) and Jake (anchor) make for a great MTR men squad. One of Aaron Royle or Luke Willian would be the third (if a 3rd spot is available). I think I would go with Luke there. For the AUS females, the second spot is harder to pick, and will be made with MTR in mind. This will be for the first relay, so a strong swimmer is needed and I would guess the choice would be between Natalie VanCoevorden and Emma Jeffcoat.

SUI: I think Spirig, Annen, Briffod and Studer should be the selection. But politics may get in the way. Both Salvisberg brothers and Julie Derron are in the same training squad as Nicola/Max (Brett Sutton). While Julie had a great race in Azarchena with 2nd place, the field was relatively weak. Annen's 4th in Lisbon is probably better and she's just the overall better triathlete (Julie's swim can put her out of the race, and that could be a problem in the MTR). Adrien Briffod has just plain outraced the Salvisberg brothers. I can see Swiss Triathlon backtracking into choosing Andrea Salvisberg as he was part of the MTR that qualified in Lisbon. But Briffod is also a strong MTR athlete with arguably among the best transitions (especially T2) in the sport, and he has brought his swim to the next level this year (even finishing ahead of Andrea in Yokohama). Andrea's run is subpar, even more for super short MTR kind of stuff.
Last edited by: Diabolo: Jun 10, 21 23:12

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  • Post edited by Diabolo (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 10, 21 23:12