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Re: Recovery from Low Testosterone? [James2020]
James2020 wrote:
trail wrote:
James2020 wrote:

That said is there a reason you don't like the idea of testosterone replacement therapy?

Are you just trolling for fun?

If someone is deficient in a micronutrient it wouldn't be controversial to suggest supplementing it. OP is already taking Liothyronine and Levothyroxine which are hormones (just like testosterone), to bump up thyroid hormones to an acceptable level. Why is taking a therapeutic dose of testosterone prescribed by a medical doctor to put levels into the normal range any different?

If you are talking about the legality of competing, I think you will find wada grant TUE's for testosterone replacement therapy. So would be completely above board. Although, if it comes down to it, health is much more important than competing.

100% agree with you. Health is way more important than racing. I started replacement therapy a year ago after feeling like shit for years. Walked away from racing because of it and have never been happier. People can say what they want about my choice but low testosterone is not healthy.
Last edited by: s.gentz: May 29, 21 8:15

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  • Post edited by s.gentz (Dawson Saddle) on May 29, 21 8:15