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Re: Is Lionel Sanders or Sam Long the next American to win Kona [JackStraw13]
You never know. Judging by the way he trains the bike and run on a regular basis (he does too much) and how many races he does in a season (too many), there isn’t much room to make improvements in the swim.

But from experience, he’s at least 4 years to never away from making half the improvement he needs in the swim and probably 7 years away from getting 2/3 of the way there.

I tell the pros I work with when we start that you need to train where you think the competition will be in 5 years and not where it is now. And for the swim, it’s the leg with the most amount of room for improvement.

Hope this helps,


Last edited by: SnappingT: May 13, 21 19:33

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  • Post edited by SnappingT (Dawson Saddle) on May 13, 21 19:33