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Re: Proof of Covid Vaccine for Tri Participation? [Klaus Daimler]
Klaus Daimler wrote:
The actual "way out" is to stop paying obsessive attention to numbers of natural death of a very small subset of the population.

the actual way out is to get the vaccine when it is offered, especially if you have the chance to get a vaccine that has almost zero side effects for the cohort you're in. getting the vaccine when it's offered means you exhibit two beliefs or behaviors that have been a historic hallmark of successful countries:

1. you have a system set up by which experts in a field are recognized and listened to;
2. the citizenry recognizes a national threat and debases selfish considerations in favor of sacrifice for the common good.

speaking for my own country, we have a pretty large subset of our population unequipped to execute on either of those 2 points, and i wish i knew how to change this. of course it's like that in triathlon as well, with course cutters, dopers, drafters. you just either subjugate your own ambitions (in pretty small ways) in order to make the whole system work; or you don't.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Last edited by: Slowman: May 7, 21 9:37

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  • Post edited by Slowman (Empfield) on May 7, 21 9:37