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Re: IronCowboy - Conquer 100 (100 IM distances/100 CONSECUTIVE DAYS)- results page [Ham Sandwich]
I know there has been a lot shade in this thread regarding his style verse an actual Ironman, and how he and the media may be portraying the effort.

Ignoring all that, if he completes a 2.4 mile pool swim (with a wetsuit and drafting), a 112 mile bike (with friends and a proton), and walks a marathon for 100 days straight, where would you rank this in compared to other extreme endurance challenges?

Is there a comparison? Is it apples to oranges? How does this compare to the Appalachian Trail sped record for example?
Last edited by: Sully: Apr 14, 21 10:14

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  • Post edited by Sully (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 14, 21 10:14