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Re: Oh My Aching Saddle [ericMPro]
ericMPro wrote:
HereForTheShirt wrote:
When I’m aero, I seem to have to choose between pain and sores on the soft tissue that covers my pubis bones or perineal numbness. In a road cycling position, I don’t have these problems. I ride “nose less” saddles like ism adamo and bi saddle. When I lean forward in to the aero bars and my pelvis tilts, I roll from the ischial tuberosities onto the more narrow pubis area. If I ride off the “nose” a bit, I’m in my most comfortable overall position and generate the most power and comfortable cadence but the pressure on my soft tissue from the saddle contact points gets pretty intense. If I scoot back to spread the pressure onto more tissue, it slowly numbs my perineal area. So I shift around a lot which I find annoying, distracting, and performance reducing.
Edit: perhaps I just need to take my bi saddle to a fitter that could help me adjust it better. The bi saddle has been so much better than anything I’ve ever tried. But it’s just not quite right atm

Have you tried the BiSaddle in the widest position yet? I'd start there and find the sweet spot, try to "hang" off the saddle from your pubic bones rather than soft tissue. Sometimes you have to wiggle around to get firm contact between saddle and bones.


Ty for your response, Eric. I do have the saddle
set to the widest position. I’m using the SRT model. I understand exactly what you’re saying. I get two good points of contact on my pubis bones (I think?) or maybe somewhere in between the transition between the ischial tuberosities and the pubis. When I roll into aero, it feels really good and I feel properly “locked” into a very powerful and comfortable position as far as my body and my saddle are concerned. After about 5-10 minutes though, the two contact points just begin to get a bit painful. My bones feel fairly “pointy” where they come in contact with the saddle prongs... manual inspection also seems to feel like they’re slightly different shapes with my left side feeling like has something like a bone spur on it. As a result, it just kinda feels like the soft tissue between the bones and the saddle are in a bit of a meat grinder.

Edit: I spend most of my cycling time in Zwift on my kickr bike. So I’ve been able to mess with my fit and comfort a lot as far as the bike itself is concerned. I also neglected to mention that I almost always just ride in shammy-less compression shorts. Most of my training is done in an hour or so at decent intensity. So I don’t spend tons of time in the saddle. And, although I haven’t raced in a few years, I mainly raced sprint and oly with a long course thrown in every once in awhile. As I get back into racing after a life delay, that will be the structure again. I say this because my race tri suit is shammy-less. And I try to train like I fight.
Last edited by: HereForTheShirt: Mar 30, 21 6:50

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