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Re: 70.3 Texas...looks to be good to go? [triguy86]
triguy86 wrote:
If there’s hospital capacity (which there is), there’s ZERO reason not to reopen. Restrictions were never intended to lower case numbers or hospitalizations. The only reason to have restrictions is so that WHEN you or I get infected, the medical system has the capacity to handle it. It’s clear that not many people understand the rationale behind covid restrictions (if there is any rationale).

Believe what you want man. But there are others that believe we should be listening to the science and data behind waiting another couple of months. You could at least respect their opinion even if you disagree, if that’s not asking too much these days

the world's still turning? >>>>>>> the world's still turning
Last edited by: Callin': Mar 7, 21 9:57

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  • Post edited by Callin' (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 7, 21 9:57