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Re: TIGER WOODS - car crash [TimeIsUp]
TimeIsUp wrote:
ChrisM wrote:
I live here. That this road is notorious for crashes would be news to me. He went thru the median and crashed on the other side, rolling ass over tea kettle.

This wasn’t the road

One of the articles I read said there is actually an intentionally designed 100 yard long sand barrier there for cars and trucks that gain too much speed. Granted, it appears to be intended for vehicles traveling in the opposite direction! Sounds like crashes happen in relatively high frequency though.

There is a runaway lane at the bottom, and I always want to drive up it :). I’ve never heard it being used but it’s there. I’ve always thought it odd as the street isn’t the longest or steepest or curviest. But it is wide - 4 lanes with median- which may encourage speeding

I do see the sheriff saying it’s well known for crashes so they know better than me. It’s just a very safe decent if you’re not driving like Tiger

And he was going downhill which is where the runaway lane is
Last edited by: ChrisM: Feb 24, 21 11:58

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  • Post edited by ChrisM (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 24, 21 11:57
  • Post edited by ChrisM (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 24, 21 11:58