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Re: Herd Immunity & Covid Mutations [Kay Serrar]
Kay Serrar wrote:
SDG wrote:
CallMeMaybe wrote:
Just to be clear, total lockdown means individuals stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Intercity travel within affected areas would cease. Governments would provide economic and social aid to citizens who need it. It would take 5 weeks for this to stop Covid.

this is perhaps the silliest things I have ever read on this site. If 5 weeks is all, then hell, lets jump in. Oh wait, I think we did all those things to "Blunt the curve" as we were told back in March and it did not "stop the spread" 5 weeks turned into months on end.

to be clear what you are suggesting as lockdown was done in my city, and with me and my family when this started. Grocery store trips for food, essential work only, work from home and doctor visits. Where were you in March 2020?

That is completely fanciful and wishful thinking.

If what you suggest would really stop it completely in five weeks, I will sign on. Send your suggestion to Biden and lets see if he and Fauci believe that will get it done.

I have a friend in Lisbon, Portugal. She can go for a short walk outside her home, but has to carry ID with proof of address to show she is not too far from home. Many countries have imposed close to the kinds of restrictions described above. Obviously selfish Americans would never stand for that though. You know, coz "Freedom!"

That is insane and frankly, yes Freedom over that any day. Just imagine the mental illness, suicide, isolation, weight gain and all kinds of problems that will plague those people for years that have been subjected to those conditions. Hopefully its not that long and they are allowed to live again soon.

by the way that's a little odd you mentioned Portugal. I have friend of a friend whose son is playing pro soccer in Portugal and they are still playing games ( had one last week) so I guess the rules are being enforced differently depending on who you are. That would bug the hell out of me as well.
Last edited by: SDG: Jan 29, 21 9:05

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  • Post edited by SDG (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 29, 21 9:05