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Re: When will racing resume? [weiwentg]
Can you help educate us on how some of this logic works and qualify it please with who you are and credentials (I am not questioning it, but its better if the statement is from a qualified identifiable person given all the misinformation that can flow around on internet message boards)

Question 1:

If the vaccine is 90% effective, does this mean there is a 90% chance that I will not get Covid19. If I don't have it, I can't give it to someone else. There is a 10% chance I get it which means I can give it to someone else but the chance of giving it to someone else dropped by 90% compared to not vaccinated.

Question 2

Or is it 90% effective in ensuring that I don't get sick, but 0 percent chance of preventing me from getting it to some degree when I get exposed enough. So once I get it, how badly does it hammer me? But the vaccine itself is trying to minimize the impact on me, not shut the door for the virus on my body. If I get it I have 90% chance of not getting sick, but I still have it and can give to others?

Is this what you are getting at? I just assumed that those vaccinated will not give it to others just like those of us who got vaccinated from small pox could no longer give it to others since we would not get sick from it (but that was a totally different mechanism).
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Jan 13, 21 13:01

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