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Re: Vincent Luis -got robbed [sciguy]
" Combine that gap with the length of the bike and the distance from front wheel to front wheel—the standard set by the rulebook—is about 13.5 meters."

My memory of the rule as Jimmy would explain it was, "you can't cross a reflector until the back wheel of the guy in front of you crosses the reflector in front." So that means the distance between the reflectors, plus the actual length of the reflectors (which average about 6" each), plus a bit of spacing, which nets out to a *front-to-front* distance of (about) 15m. I've always found the front-to-front nomenclature to be odd, as it doesn't reflect the *gap* between bikes. I.e., a 15m front-to-front spacing results in a 13.5m actually spacing. This was always my objection to a 10m draft "zone" - the spacing *between* bikes is much less than 10m.

I'm quite far removed from all of this now, and trying to remember 13.5m or 15m - especially when what really mattered to me was the spacing between bikes - is probably folly. Maybe Jimmy will chime in. If anyone is mistaken, it is almost certainly me and not Jimmy.

[PS - I emailed Jimmy to ask him if he'd come enlighten us...]

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Last edited by: Rappstar: Dec 19, 20 8:43

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  • Post edited by Rappstar (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 19, 20 8:43