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Re: PTO announces paid maternity leave [realbdeal]
Here is a business model. Get everybody to sign up to PTO as they have done. Approach Ironman as a group. Ask them to pay race attendance fees for pros and increase prizes if they ever want to see a PTO member race Ironman again. Use part of the funds to pay PTO membership fees. Ask Ironman to part fund their maternity policy and health insurance scheme along with Challenge if they want PTO members to race. Get a share of the TV revenues from the PTO World Championship at Daytona and from the Collins Cup (looks epic next year). Everybody is happier, triathletes will get some dignity back as human beings, Ironman will be a little less profitable - it was profitable plenty given the recent sales price. New Ironman owners get screwed, sorry, should have seen it coming all you needed was to read ST forums to realize that a business that has customers and suppliers angry all the time, maybe doesn't deserve top dollars.
Last edited by: ItaloBritt: Nov 18, 20 5:18

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  • Post edited by ItaloBritt (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 18, 20 5:18