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Re: How are you and how was your week? Sept. 14 Edition [BingTri]
Thank you for posting this, and for pushing through! It made me feel better this morning!

I have been alone since March lockdown, am in a covid hotzone, and am teaching “part time” this term (expensive elite college), which is online and certainly more than part time given everything we have to do to reach every student who has paid crazy tuition for some combination of Zoom and independent asynchronous work. The last few years have been hard for me with some physical and emotional challenges, so I have not been in the best mental state and was just beginning to venture out.

But because this is 2020 after all, that is not enough of a challenge ... i am in California in the fire zone, and by “in the fire zone” I mean there are fire trucks in my driveway and lining my street and helicopters dropping water on and behind the roof nonstop because I live in the forest and the fire is close. It is much too noisy and stressful for zoom class, obviously, or really much of anything other than panic and doomscrolling, so i am staying with friends near the beach where it is calmer. I am trying not to freak out every time I get an email or text update from the city FD/PD and also feeling kind of bad I didn’t stay to help my neighbors (we are not under mandatory evacuation yet). Please keep all of us, especially the firefighters, in your thoughts today!
Last edited by: Gee: Sep 15, 20 6:35

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  • Post edited by Gee (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 15, 20 6:35