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Re: Screw this ....... retiring early! What camper, RV, home options are there to consider? [SharonMcN]
I'm not the least surprised that people fail to budget for what things actually cost them. And they don't prepare for typical "emergencies". If their entry point into this life is being broke and destitute, then they are likely to have problems... like they would anywhere.

I mentioned earlier that in the 90s til 2003 I lived on $3k/yr for everything. Even had health insurance! In today's money you'd probably need $5-6k. I made a very conservative estimate in the beginning that I'd spend $10k/yr or so, and I had $100k saved up. I put the money in long term CDs, and I had $140k at the end of 13 years.

Low budget vagabonds are frequently harassed by cops regardless of race. At least if they are guys... women probably get better treatment. Minorities probably have it worse, but then they do everywhere else, so that wouldn't be surprising. I met a good number of blacks and latinos living this way when I spent some time in Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara, and also at Rainbow Gatherings, but usually I was camped in the boonies far from people.

I looked up the beet harvest. You work your butt off for 2 weeks and make $2k. That isn't bad if you happen to be close, but if you are driving 1000 miles each way to get there, then forget it. The only job I had while I was living in my truck, was a couple seasons at Bryce Canyon at the tail end. I netted ~$15k in 7 months working as a waiter at the Lodge, and got unemployment the rest of the year. 2 years of that netted enough money to last for 8-10 years of not working. If you need to make money then a good tipped seasonal position at a resort is the way to go I think.

You might be interested in the Cheap RV Living channel and site.
Last edited by: rruff: Aug 16, 20 11:57

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  • Post edited by rruff (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 16, 20 11:57