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Re: Strava Etiquette [MortenFalk]
MortenFalk wrote:
Slug wrote:
WFPB Athlete wrote:
jaretj wrote:
Perhaps you meant this as an exaggeration but nobody is staying in a normal persons 350-400 watt draft with 118 watts.

That's like 28-30 mph flat ground

30 mile ride. His 284w. Hers 122w. Both averaged 22.8mph. She only pulled 1 QOM on this ride, but has managed to pick off multiple QOM's in almost every ride and piss off every female cyclist in our area. She is a true wheel sucker if there ever was one. Lol!

I wouldn't be surprised if she has 74,932 followers, get's at least 50K thumbs up on each of her rides within an hour of it being uploaded, which has at least one girly pose showing off her curves, and the comment section of each ride includes a fuckton of emojis and comments about her bike from the guys dreaming "What do you think the chance are of a guy like you and a girl like me... ending up together?"

That made me laughing so hard 😂😂😂

I'm glad someone got the movie reference ;)

And here I am stuck with 15 kudos on a pretty epic ride that almost had me hurling. 20 tops.

The more people I encounter the more I love my cats.
Last edited by: Slug: Aug 15, 20 6:29

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  • Post edited by Slug (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 15, 20 6:29