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Re: Taren's Helmet "Testing" [karmatraining]
karmatraining wrote:
And his latest video covers “grounding”. He’s turning into the next Ben Greenfield

Saw that. He's gone full pseudoscience snake-oil kooky. He cites a paper from the owner of the "Naprapathic Healing Center" as giving it legitimacy.

Buy your magic grounding mat and all your dreams will come true.

The same "doctor" that wrote the paper he cites is also into "energetic field testing". "This entails understanding the energetic communication from the body and making herbal and nutritional recommendations based on the information received from the energetic findings your body provides."

Look for Taren to start selling plans based on energetic findings from your body.
Last edited by: HardlyTrying: Aug 13, 20 14:58

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  • Post edited by HardlyTrying (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 13, 20 14:58