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Foraminal narrowing question
Getting back into training seriously again after dealing with an injury for the past two years.

Had a bike accident and developed bad bursitis in my right shoulder, in the armpit area. Off the bike for months. Took up running which is the bane of my existence. Finally decided to get a cortisone shot. Helped tremendously. I could then PT but was focusing on the shoulder during this time. Still couldn't ride for more than about 2 hours at a time before the shoulder would bother me. Oh and my right thumb was slightly numb this whole time. It got a bit better over time.

About 1.5 years after initial injury, acute stress caused a bad bursitis flare up. Decided to get another cortisone shot within 2 weeks. Figured it would not be as effective and that was true to a degree but it did help. The assistant at the shoulder specialist started talking about my neck...Fast forward I get a MRI and sure enough I have severe foraminal narrowing around C6 mostly but also C7 and a little C5. No injury to the spine.

So I have been focusing on some neck type PT, mostly moving my head forward and back, side to side, tilting. It has greatly helped and my thumb seems to be improving as well.

So my question to you: any other exercises or advice? To be sure, I am simply a roadie; I used to ride a very aggressive position, now I flipped the stem and am a little more upright.
Last edited by: beatle: Jul 28, 20 14:06

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  • Post edited by beatle (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 28, 20 14:06