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Re: So why did Georgia not POP? [H-]
Florida have seen a mild (so far) increase in daily deaths,//

Really? you take a look at the graph of daily deaths and tell me that it points to a mild rise, then tell me how that graph differs from every other graph ever drawn. They had roughly between 25 to 50 deaths for a long time, and now in the last week they have 4 days that hit over 125, with today hitting a new record of 156. Does that seem a mild increase to you? To me it looks like the beginning of what started about a month ago in daily new cases, you know, the lagging indicator. Which unfortunately means that we should expect it to keep going up, since the daily cases just set some new records recently. But I suppose those were also mild increases from before too, so nothing to see??

Last edited by: monty: Jul 16, 20 17:18

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  • Post edited by monty (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 16, 20 17:18