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Re: Strava Segments now Paywalled [Animalmom2]
Animalmom2 wrote:
It’s like ten bucks a month. You won’t pay for both?

Like 4 gels?

It's not just $10 or 4 gels. It's that every site wants a recurring chunk of my paycheck. It's pretty easy to waste away $1K / year in unnecessary subscriptions.

Maybe I'm just too cheap, but when I see a subscription service, I raise my bar on what I expect because I know it's easy to forget to cancel it after your interests shift. You either forget to cancel it and it auto-renews for another year, or your interest declines a bit, and it's now below a threshold of something that should be getting a piece of your paycheck.

My wife and I have recurring calendar events to re-evaluate our subscriptions.
Last edited by: rijndael: May 24, 20 4:35

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  • Post edited by rijndael (Dawson Saddle) on May 24, 20 4:35