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Re: There is always someone faster... [runner66]
runner66 wrote:
I decided to do an FTP test last night outside. Most times I just use the trainer. I found a flat slightly rolling stretch of road to do the 2x8 minute test. I was proud of myself that I was able to hit an all-time high power average. So I start my cooldown and then gradually picked up the pace to steady (zone 2) but not hard as I made my way home. My Garmin Varia picks up a cyclist behind me. All of a sudden a guy comes flying by me on a rode bike and passes me like I am barely moving. He was absolutely flying. I tried to pick up the pace and at least get close to him but there was no chance of that happening. He had to be going over 23 mph and was not even riding in the drops with his head down.

So I went from excited about my new FTP to deflated in a matter of minutes lol. There is always someone faster. Why couldn't he have been behind me when I was doing the second 8 minute interval?

I kind of think it's cool when this happens because, especially by stalking with Strava flybys, it's a good way to find local elite or sub-elite athletes.

Was on a ride last year with a friend and a roadie zoomed past us on a mild uphill, looked like he was hardly working but guessed he must have been putting out 300 W in order to pass us so quickly. Indeed, stalked him later on Strava and found that he'd done his 76 mile solo ride on a road bike at 21.6 mph average, had an FTP probably well over 300 W, and was a former pro triathlete now riding 14k miles a year. Didn't feel so bad about being zoomed by after that!!
Last edited by: twcronin: May 18, 20 12:22

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  • Post edited by twcronin (Cloudburst Summit) on May 18, 20 12:22