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Re: Balancing training and family life [B.McMaster]
B.McMaster wrote:
Ice789 wrote:
make your training invisible

I have to disagree with this. You have to have some of your "own time" in any relationship. Whether its a family of 2 or 10.

You need time, she needs time to do what interests each of you. That's a personal decision between the family on "how much" but if you have none, You probably won't be happy and that leads to an unhappy family. Same goes for your wife having her "own" time.

Totally agree. Of course, compromises need to be seriously discussed and made, but making your passion invisible is just unhealthy for all in the family. My dad certainly didn't train as much as me, but watching him sweat in the daylight and come home from his own practices and games with a smile on his face as I grew up is likely one of the main reasons I'm still playing outside regularly with passion at age 60.

ealyanak wrote:
Just remember triathlon has a zero % chance of ever loving you back.

Ed, I realize it can't compare to familial love, but don't you feel just a little bit of love from your peers and Mother Nature when you're at a tri?
Last edited by: Mark Lemmon: Dec 6, 19 11:03

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  • Post edited by Mark Lemmon (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 6, 19 10:44
  • Post edited by Mark Lemmon (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 6, 19 10:45
  • Post edited by Mark Lemmon (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 6, 19 11:03