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Re: Whistleblower case [chaparral]
chaparral wrote:
Culley22 wrote:

hahahahahaha. The mention of charity abuse comes up, I point out to a prime example (please, PLEASE tell me that the entire world didn't know she was the hand picked successor of the Dems for the next shot at Presidency). And you go on some rant about trying to defend the sale of Uranium. I don't have a problem with the sale. But when someone just happens to get a CHUNK of money from the people who are interested in such a deal, that raises eyebrows. Spin it any way you want, but the general public also agreed (hence why the Cheeto is in office).

I never said it was a "scandal". Just like I never thought Trump's was a "scandal". Just like the QPQ isn't a scandal. EVERYONE feels this happens all the time in politics, so they just shrug. We have both Clinton and Trump doing shady shit with their charities. We have Biden in a video saying he wouldn't give money unless they fired the guy, you have Obama saying he'd have more freedom (or whatever it was) after the election was over. And then Trump does the same. (with the difference being it was a "political rival", but that is lost in the shrug to many).

The public sees this, and believes it to be standard practice. That's why no one cares.

Nope this is a trump's extortion is a scandal, not a "scandal."

Sorry, but actual fraud is worse than right wing fever dream accusations that don't make sense. To pretend those are equal is being the worse sort of person.

You think it’s a scandal. So do most Dems. But using previous polling numbers...it’s a toss up. Why is that? Well I told you why, you don’t agree. Ok. But you just saying “nu-uh” does not a valid reason make. Sorry if you don’t like it, but that IS how many feel.

ETA: I like how “extortion” and “bribery” (you didn’t say this, but I have heard it) are now the new buzz words to use. “Quid pro quo” wasn’t enough because, as I said, everyone figured that happens all the time. But now we use “extortion” and “bribery” to add that extra negative zing. It’s that old saying “ The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Dems just keep trying the same doom and gloom, and it’s just turning people off and tuning them out.
Last edited by: Culley22: Nov 12, 19 13:44

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  • Post edited by Culley22 (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 12, 19 13:44