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Re: Ftp 180 [Bonmaklad]
Ok, here's what I see:

You've been sick and injured which put you out of training for 4 weeks and 6 weeks respectively. That nullifies whatever fitness gains you might have made prior to each of those incidents. Further, having both of those events this year means that you've likely made ZERO gains, and probably have slid backwards compared to last year. performance and fitness gains require consistent training, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. A lost day here or there...or even a week for vacation won't matter. But, a month and a month-and-a-half....you are starting over. Especially, when you don't have a long history (eg, "base") to rely on.

Second, you've only been training at pretty low volume until recently. Even your recent volume is still pretty minimal, in the cold light of day at
  • 6k swimming,
  • 5 hr bike,
  • 3 hr run.

Furhter the structure of your run and bike workouts is wholly ineffective. You're really doing NOTHING on the bike. You have 3 unstructured bike workouts with no real intensity. Its just 5 hours of riding. Better than nothing, but not by much. Also, its only 3 rides with two of them on consecutive days. That leaves you not riding at all for 3 days in a row. it would be better to space those out move evenly. Eg, Tue, Thu, Sun.

Its really a very similar story with your running, except that 10x1km "uncomfortable" run is just trash. If you feel that bad today after that run yesterday, you are just digging yourself into a hole that you can't climb out of. Stop that. You shouldn't EVER feel that way on a normal weekly schedule.

Rule number 1: Never do a workout today that keeps you from doing one tomorrow.

I realize today is your off day, but you won't be properly recovered tomorrow, if you feel as you describe today. So, you're wasting your efforts. Tired today, sure....lightly sore, sometimes (not all the time). Burning legs, can't move? Never (except after a big race!!!).

1. All your runs should be easy. No more intervals. They don't help, and they are causing you problems. Replace the 10x1k with a 60minute easy run.
2. Can you move your Monday bike to Tuesday? Instead of 120m at "race pace", do 10m warmup, 2x20m @ 160 watts (3-5m rest), 10m cool down. That's just over an hour, as you adjust you can stretch the 2x20 out to 3x15/2x30/etc. Also, keep the 30m run as a brick after. Same 2 hours of work, just divided different.
3. Add a Monday run start at 30m, and build up to 60m...and don't skip it.
4. Move the Wed bike to Thursday, structured as 10m warmup, 45-60 minutes tempo, 20-30m zone2. Follow with a 30m easy run as a brick after.
5. Move the 10x1k run to Wednesday, but do as a 60m easy run.
6. Move the 4k swim to Wed or Friday (friday is better).
7. Consider the long bike structure I described above with some tempo and some SST.

The result would be:

Mon: 2k-swim, 60m-easy run
Tue: 2x20 bike / 30m easy run brick
Wed: 4k swim (alt), 60m easy run
Thu: 90m tempo ride / 30m easy run brick
Fri: 4k swim (preferred)
Sat: long run
Sun: Long bike

With this structure you might find that your legs don't really need Friday off. In which case you could easily add a 60m recovery ride, or a 30m recovery run, if you have the time. Lots of other ways to solve the problem. I don't really know what all your scheduling options are. But, I was trying to give an example of spacing things out a little better so you are never away from one sport for very long, without trying to change your overall volume.

I would kill the sauna, if you are time crunched. Unless you are training for a HOT race, its not really doing anything for you. Either spend that time training SBR or get back to regular life.

As I said above, never bury yourself. When in doubt go a little easier...not harder. Long term gains are made by long term consistency, not by being a hero on Tuesday.

ETA: I'm not really a fan of bricks, and rarely do them myself. I'm only suggesting them above as a more time-efficient way to get some more easy run volume. Personally, I have the scheduling flexability to be able to do them separately.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Oct 25, 19 13:49

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 25, 19 13:49