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What is Lucy Charles to do?
Going that well, solo effort, from the first swim stroke to well into the run, is a staggering achievement in my opinion.

However, it might be far too big an ask. The amount of effort saved by others in swim packs and bike packs is just too much. It appears. Anne Haug even said in an interview that she felt bad passing her because of the work she'd done on her own.

So what is she to do?

No help from Lauren Brandon in the swim, at all. None on the bike either. Is there no one in the women's field who can swim with her?

Was the plan to wait for Ryf, latch on the back at the end of the bike, and use the improved run she has this year? But no Ryf to draw off.

ST strategists - what would your plan be if you were her?
Last edited by: Il Falco: Oct 13, 19 19:04

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  • Post edited by Il Falco (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 13, 19 19:04