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Re: How do I coach myself? [Hingus]
Step 1: Read Books, inform yourself on Periodization. Triathlete Training Bible by Friel. Fast Track Triathlete by Dixon are the first two to start out with I think.
Step 2: Develop your periodized plan, a great companion to start is Friel's training journal. But laying it out on a spreadsheet is also great. Then input into training software if you want analysis afterwards.
Step 3: Be accountable to yourself.

Honestly, kind of in the same boat. Although I think I'll look towards finding a good coach. I think $200/month is quite a lot if your only interaction is through email and there's no face to face.

Coached myself this year, laid out what I thought was a great plan...and when I hit 15 hours in training I started to break. I figured it would be decently easy to get to 20 hrs/week since I used to do that in the Army all the time between PT, Lifting, and Rugby. Didn't really get back there. looking at it this year I need to do a whole lot of 10 hr weeks before pushing further.

For the most part when you're starting I think self coaching is difficult. But if you've had one for awhile, you have a big "framework" to work with.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
Last edited by: TheStroBro: Sep 19, 19 7:42

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  • Post edited by TheStroBro (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 19, 19 7:42