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Re: Tri in Mexico [jaretj]
jaretj wrote:
Excuse me for trying to troll you with misinformation.


Second paragraph:

Leader's Bonus
Pulling is not a thankless job. The first cyclist enjoys up to a 3.1 percent reduction in wind resistance courtesy of a low-pressure air bubble between riders, which pushes the leader along, says Bert Blocken, PhD, professor of physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, who led some of the research. Keep a steady pace on the front to avoid surging away from the boost—and splintering the group.


Suprisingly drafting not only helps the bicyclist following the leader, but the lead cyclist gains an advantage as well. Paul explained, "The interesting thing is by filling in her eddy you improve the front person's performance as well. So two people who are drafting can put out less energy than two individuals (who are not drafting) would covering the same distance in the same time." While the lead cyclist gains some advantage in this situation she still needs to expend much more energy than the cyclist who is following.


It gets even more interesting when you are riding in a bigger group. Even the cyclist in front can also save up to 3 percent in effort, as the cyclists behind them break up the air current, although cyclists near the end of the group can benefit the most. The next to the last rider will see the some of the biggest drafting benefits, as there is still one more bike behind, according to the same principle.

well, even with these postings I had to fact check, and concede.... that you are correct .

Now I do feel a bit cheated on myself :(
Last edited by: synthetic: Aug 29, 19 7:36

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  • Post edited by synthetic (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 29, 19 7:36