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Re: For a triathlete to an aspiring crit racer: how dangerous is it? [cloy]
cloy wrote:
As a preface: I've been doing triathlon for six years. It's been a blast and I still enjoy it (most days). But I just got a new job that has the possibility of taking a lot of time away from my "hobby" of triathlon. Fitting in two workouts a day might be difficult (I haven't started yet). I have a history of head injuries (i.e., at least 8 concussions and one collision induced seizure). So with that said

How dangerous is crit racing?

My girlfriend and I went to the Littleton Twilight Criterium this past weekend and we were both in awe. The atmosphere is way more exciting than the vast majority of triathlons we've done. It's far more like real racing than a triathlon is. But, we witnessed 3 crashes in the P-1-2 race. These guys were traveling over 27mph the entire race.

I think I would be pretty solid in the lower categories; I have a good engine (320 FTP; 4.2 w/kg), but my handling skills are that of a normal triathlete. I'm hesitant at the thought of going down and knocking my head. I couldn't care less about road rash and even broken bones, but my fear is solely due to the possibility of another concussion and it really messing me up long term.

Suggestions? Advice? I'd love to hear from the ex-triathletes that realized being mediocre at three sports isn't as satisfying.

I made a transition back in 2013 to road/crit and now race cat 1 crit's. I have had one serious concussion and a lot of hard crashes. Lately the crashing is bad enough it is giving me second thoughts about how responsible this "hobby" is given i have a family and kids. CX/Gravel i have way fewer issues but in the last two years, it might just be perception, but a lot of really bad crashes at some of the big races have made me reconsider.

Some of the smaller races tend to be more predictable and if you stay in the front you are fine. The big crit's like twilight, tulsa tough, etc are total clusters and it is simply a matter of when not if you crash.
Last edited by: Ron_Burgundy: Aug 7, 19 20:59

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  • Post edited by Ron_Burgundy (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 7, 19 20:59