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Re: For a triathlete to an aspiring crit racer: how dangerous is it? [echappist]
This is my experience as well. A lot of crashes, mostly around corners, most don't result in head injury, but the risk is always there.

And personally, I think the idea of fixed gear crits are quite reckless (poor braking, higher chance of pedal strike, the list goes on...). Most definitely stay away from those if you are concerned of crashing. It's said that fixed gear crits eliminate equipment as a factor, I believe fixed gear crits are designed to create carnage (which is why they are so popular). Otherwise, single speed bikes would achieve the same goal of eliminating gear as a variance while maintaining a reasonable level of safety.

echappist wrote:

Wash outs in corners are probably the most prevalent forms of crashes in crits, and results of those are generally tame. The more unpredictable ones are the ones where someone goes down in the middle of the pack, and you are too far behind to notice it immediately, but still can't escape the carnage radiating outward from the initial crash. No telling how you'd fall in such a situation
Last edited by: bloodyshogun: Aug 7, 19 14:00

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  • Post edited by bloodyshogun (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 7, 19 13:51
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  • Post edited by bloodyshogun (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 7, 19 14:00