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Re: Diversity in Triathlon - do you see any? [Mark Lemmon]
Here's the finisher line video coverage from IM Ohio 70.3 https://www.ironman.com/...y=2019#axzz5vlmPFuaM

I watched a couple hundred athletes cross the line, every single one of them looks White.
Spectators also look to be at least 99% White.

Triathlon (IRONMAN anyway) might be the Whitest sport of all time.

Mark Lemmon wrote:
FasterTwitch wrote:
I was in Ohio this last week for 70.3 and I saw an incredible amount of diversity.
White, black, asian, hispanic, men, women, young, old, thin, fit, fat, you name it. It was all represented.

Maybe IM is leading the way as far as diversity in tris, at least in Ohio. I don't doubt that there were white, black, asian, hispanic, men, women, young, old, thin, fit and fat participants, which is good to see, but I've done a lot of tris in Ohio, and have yet to see what I would describe as an incredible amount of diversity.
Last edited by: Amateur: Aug 5, 19 16:13

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  • Post edited by Amateur (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 5, 19 16:13