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Re: Yes or No, Do you think Trump is racist [gofigure]
gofigure wrote:
thanks, far better than the first somewhat dated piece.

4 out of 17 delivered with 4 as partially delivered. Still does not have my vote. Try harder and maybe address my concern with character and how his behavior has a deleterious effect on impressionable folks like the one's who chanted in the NC rally.

find a positive msm, fake or otherwise, article that is in support of the chant.

Like I said, the illegal deportations need to be updated as he is trying to best to get around the Dem and liberal judges opposition to this. And of course the economy is his biggest credit......which isn't even listed. Just think where we might be if there hasn't been two years worth of total Dem opposition and spending all their time on Mueller. His accomplishments to date is enough for most people....along with these others....289.... (somewhat outdated but still appropriate) that are not on the list. BTW, gofigure, how do you find the fact that none of the other DJT haters can ID a better candidate from the 20 Dems.......and explain why.. Glad to see you don't participate in the therapy circle jerk.
ps.......sure there are personal and style shortcomings.......but what the Dems are offering is far worse.......don't you think?

Last edited by: gphin305: Jul 24, 19 6:10

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  • Post edited by gphin305 (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 24, 19 6:10