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Re: Yes or No, Do you think Trump is racist [JSA]
JSA wrote:
sphere wrote:
efernand wrote:
Don't tell me, are you one of the people who still actually believe that Trump called neo-Nazis good people, right?

On a related point, do you actually believe Trump when he said that AOC "Called our country 'Garbage'" or that Rep. Omar used the term "Evil Jews?"

Well, to be fair, Rep Omar did tweet "evil doings of Israel" and has been condemned by both side of the aisle for her anti-Semitic comments: https://www.foxnews.com/...mars-israel-comments

But, I do agree AOC's comment was taken out of context. She did not call the US "garbage":https://www.rt.com/...agan-america-cortez/

My understanding is that Omar did tweet that, and regretted the characterization, apologized, and deleted the tweet. That's not to say Israel is immune from criticism and certainly innocents on the receiving end of Israel's sometimes heavy handed retaliation shouldn't feel that way. It's just verboten to speak that way of Israel in the West, and probably for good reason.

That said, what do you make of Donald Trump's moral equivalency of the United States to Putin's Russia killing journalists? Surely that falls squarely into the THEY HATE AMERICA!!! camp to which he's referring, no?

Scarborough: “Well, I mean, it’s also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously that would be a concern, would it not?”

Trump: “He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader. Unlike what we have in this country.”

Scarborough: “But again: He kills journalists that don’t agree with him.”

Trump: “I think our country does plenty of killing, also, Joe, so, you know. There’s a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on. A lot of stupidity. And that’s the way it is.”

Trump flat out excused Russia's assassination of journalists by saying we're just as bad. I mean, that's exactly the kind of shit he's calling Omar and OAC "America Haters" for. Show me where I'm wrong.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Last edited by: sphere: Jul 22, 19 11:01

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  • Post edited by sphere (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 22, 19 11:01