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Re: Is it ok to want a mediocre life? [triguy101]
My take on this is that most people end up settling for the mediocre life. Mediocre is often a relative standard.
My story is that while by absolute standards I've had a pretty exciting and successful journey (so far), but because of where I am now, I am surrounded by people who are pretty fuckin' amazing and successful. Relative to that group, I am mediocre.

If I lived in rural (& fictional) Kazakhstan my comparitor would be a bit different

Remember - It's important to be comfortable in your own skin... because it turns out society frowns on wearing other people's
Last edited by: Guffaw: Jun 14, 19 11:26

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  • Post edited by Guff (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 14, 19 11:26