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What the latest science on cholesterol levels?

I had my yearly blood tests and my cholesterol is high and the doc want me on meds. I'm 47 and active, hence the reason why I hang out here. Dad died at 57 from heart disease. He smoked, drank and didn't exercise one bit. I can't remember seeing dad eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable that wasn't fried.

My numbers seem lopsided > My bad cholesterol is really bad but my good cholesterol is really good and my ratio is really good.

I remember reading that people that are active and eat relativity ok, shouldn't think about medications for cholesterol until the total number is over 300. Disclaimer: My diet consist of a lot of red meat and fried foods!

I'm coming here for advice because I believe that the medical field doesn't take into consideration that very active people are very different from the normal/average sedentary population in today's world.

So what's the latest science / word??

Here are my results:

Cholesterol 264 mg/dL

Triglyceride 59 mg/dL

HDLD 76 mg/dL

LDL 191 mg/dL

Calc VLDL 11.8 mg/dL

Chol/HDL 3.5 RATIO

Non-HDL 188 mg/dL

Last edited by: gall1972: Apr 8, 19 13:33

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  • Post edited by gall1972 (Cloudburst Summit) on Apr 8, 19 13:33