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Re: To my Army brothers... [mck414]
mck414 wrote:
I believe I can speak for the United States Marine Corps, maybe throw in the Air Force and our sea-going Uber brothers the United States Navy: holy shit you guys have truly embarrassed yourselves this time. Lord that was bad.

My wife pulled it up at her unit today and showed it to the full-time support Soldiers ("AGR") and the ones making up for missed drills. She said they laughed at it all morning. Laughed AT it. Not WITH it. Big difference.

Man, I sure am glad I'm a part of the naval service right about now. Even "In the Navy" wasn't that bad. Heh.

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
Last edited by: big kahuna: Feb 12, 19 9:41

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  • Post edited by big kahuna (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 12, 19 9:41