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I like the idea of a Dishonor role[TripleThreat]
Those that are receiving a grade less than a C should be placed on the dishonor role. And I am not being sarcastic.

Like you said most of your time is spent dealing with kids who forget to bring their books, disciplinary problems, and not taking responsibility for their actions. The bigger problem is that when you discipline them, give them a bad grade etc...the biggest complainer is their parent. You would think the parents would ask "How can we help Johnny to focus better" instead its "What do you have against my kid, your requirements are too hard..."

Sadly this attitude is being seen in more and more entering college students. Many incoming freshman are not prepared in many of the basic skills, study habits, and maturity required for even mediocre success.

The comment about getting rid of grades is ridiculous.
Last edited by: gj: Jan 25, 04 18:31

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  • Post edited by gj (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 25, 04 18:31