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Re: Official 12th Annual 2018/19 Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge Thread [monty]
monty wrote:
not any gaming of the system.

Monty, you said a lot, but //\\ is all I heard.

What's the dealie-o? The rules and ranking are set up to reward multiple 30 minute runs per day. Is that gaming the system? I don't think so. If it is, then we should change the rules to say that you're supposed to run only one time per day with a minimum of 30 minutes.

For myself, running 30 minutes each day is a task I think I can do. I have added in extra runs to increase my weekly mileage as well as move up the roster. I enjoy competition.

This challenge is wrapped up in the honor system. I would like to be clear about the rules and the spirit of this challenge. So, are multiple runs gaming the system?

If I misread your post and misunderstood your words, I apologize.
Last edited by: Calamityjane88: Jan 4, 19 20:52

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  • Post edited by Barks&Purrs (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 4, 19 20:52