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Re: British cycling off season base builder [Pyrenean Wolf]
I don't really have a flat race where I live (in France, middle of Alps).
My last bike split where 1h30 for a 39k with 1000m climbing (3 loops of 13k with 330m) or 36min25 for a sprint triathlon bike split (22k) with relatively flat road (150m).

I think I lack almost everything on the bike, I can ride for a long time (5h+ with 2000-3000m climbing) but I never really trained for any quality.
I also have to check my position, I have got a giant propel but relatively new and never fitted
A lot of work to do

I wanted to follow british cycling base, then the preseason plan, a specific TT block and then the in season plan

I don't have powermeter, I train with heart rate in the trainer and RPM when outdoor. In my last FT test, I estimated my heart rate at threshold around 175bpm

Wanted to add a question: if I follow the BarryP program, he advised a 15miles long run if preparing for a half tri. So, the volume will be 7k short run, 15km medium run and 20-25km long runs, about 75km/week. Is it enough volume to race an HIM ?
Last edited by: ivan2794: Dec 13, 18 4:31

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  • Post edited by ivan2794 (Cloudburst Summit) on Dec 13, 18 4:07
  • Post edited by ivan2794 (Cloudburst Summit) on Dec 13, 18 4:31