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Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [HuffNPuff]
HuffNPuff wrote:
mickison wrote:
burnthesheep wrote:
smartyiak wrote:

the gold keeps coming from her IG post

"Within the course of a day, I find myself transitioning constantly. From being a mother, athlete, a coach, student, and leader. I’m a girl who simply bleeds passion for her country and passion for life with determination in her eyes to change the world. We get in our own heads... we end up telling ourselves these false lies about what we’re capable of, you may think you’re tired but guess what- we all are. So take time to recharge- step back- inhale life, ... keep your eyes set & set out for vengeance always driving forward. Search deep, drive hard, lead with grace, have faith and love like a child. Be willing and open to learn and most importantly remember we’re on this journey together. We can be all things, gracefully switching from one to the other. So be a boss in your own world. Rise every morning with the sun; an evolution is coming. Take hold of a new day, a new opportunity. "

Reads like: 'Blah, blah, blah! I've got nothing substantive to say.

Random inspirational quote generator.


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Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Last edited by: JasoninHalifax: Aug 21, 18 8:10

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