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Re: Ashley Horner Cliff Notes Version [T3_Beer]
What's with all the haters here?
I have no skin in the game and have no idea who the heck she is.

But, if, in fact, she did complete 5 friggin Ironmans in a row (or two plus or minus yards/miles), who gives an F?
What she is doing is way beyond the pale of what most of us on Slowtwitch would ever ever put themselves through.

Instead of hating, how about encouraging?
Even if the goal she reaches isn't perfect, it's pretty amazing what she's done so far.

Stop piling on and being assholes.

- I agree that self-promotion generates a reflexive response of jealousy, skepticism, etc.
- But the real question is - does her challenge and cause that she is doing this for raise awareness for the good of that cause?

If so, as a community of triathletes, we should celebrate the effort, even if the effort is viewed as "commercialized" or "self-grandiosed" to some extent.

Look to yourself and see if you have ever, ever, done something, sacrificed something, for the good of someone or something else besides yourself.

As a triathlete for 30+ years, I admit that I've never participated for anything more than self-realization/actualization.
I haven't done shit for any one beyond me besides coaching and encouraging others but have never done something for a cause greater than me.

So I am impressed that she is doing this for a cause other than her own.

Bravo, Ashley!
Last edited by: twain: Aug 18, 18 0:01

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  • Post edited by twain (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 17, 18 23:21
  • Post edited by twain (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 18, 18 0:01