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WTC acquires Tri Harder's Route 66 70.3.... 2019 Ironman 70.3 Springfield, IL?
Meant to share this a few weeks ago. Tri Harder sent the email I have pasted below a little while back, my guess is it went to any and all athletes who have participated in their events, I'm certainly not special. While it's as clear as mud what the future holds, it does appear WTC acquired the R66 70.3. Having done this race a few times, it's a hot day, great swim, fast bike, and challenging run IMO. Really hoping this isn't a buy and cancel approach. Being optimistic, this could bring quite a few more people to an already fun race and central Illinois (from participating in Tri Harder and RMP events) always seemed to be a very welcoming community to bring in athletes for an event. Timing wise however it will occur on the same day as IM Ohio 70.3 in 2018, so timing may change if they keep it for 2019. The venue and course is capable of handling 3000 athletes. Parking would be interesting, there would definitely have to be a shuttle service.

Bottom line, if they run it next year and don't pull the plug, going to have to make it an A race because I've had my ass handed to me twice on that run!

"Greetings Endurance Athletes,

It is with sadness that we share recent developments in the Tri Harder/Tri Smarter Endurance World.

2018 will be the last years for the Route 66 Half Iron Triathlon and the Iron Abe Olympic Triathlon.

After a decade of producing these events we were recently contacted by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) owners of Ironman, Iron Kids, 70.3 and Ironman 70.3, etc. and asked if we could revise our business plan to focus on the grass roots approach to Triathlons while leaving the international, corporate produced Tri's to WTC?

While we are honored to be in the class of WTC events we could not in good faith or efforts continue to produce the Half Iron or Iron Abe events without un-necesary burden to our team and racers.

Therefore THP and Tri Smarter will offer the above events for the final time this year and go out with a BANG.

Think BIKE RAFFLE, helmet give aways and more.

This will be the final year for both events as you currently know them so please come join the Farewell Party and get your collectors shirts, logos and awards before they are gone.

Stay tuned as we finalize the final year plans but don't delay register today for these final events at www.triharderpromotions.com

For 2019 we will focus on the same quality events but both will be revised and fine tuned to allow us a greater focus on what we do best and allow WTC to focus on what they do best.

No need to worry about the fate of both events next year, they will go on but changes will be made to make them bigger and better and more in line with USAT distance definitions and guidelines.

See you soon to say goodbye to our old friends and hello to our new events on July 28th.


J. Smith
Last edited by: jsmith82: Jul 10, 18 10:16

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  • Post edited by jsmith82 (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 10, 18 10:15
  • Post edited by jsmith82 (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 10, 18 10:16