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Re: Cell Phones [windschatten]
windschatten wrote:
johnald wrote:
This is one of many reasons Triathlon is going to get left in the dust, we have these rigid rules and governing bodies that solve problems that have never existed, they slap a nice $12 day single day fee for an already expensive race. I understand the safety issues of talking on your cell phone, listening to music and on the pointy end not in communication with a coach. If you're USAT you have to realize that your rules must scale from FOP to BOP.

So you advocate for BOPs getting more latitude in making a race more unsafe?

I really don't care if you guys back there crash each other out while broadcasting your "experience", but what about multi-loop courses?

Can't wait for the law-suits, as non hands-free cell phone use on bicycles is in fact prohibited by the VC of my state.

Agree. Lawsuits are why USAT has that rule. Until a race director advertises that the goal of the event is to entertain participants and provide a memorable experience, I will assume that I've entered a race where the goal is to ride as fast as possible. As such, I don't want fellow participants talking on their phones, taking selfies or texting while they are cycling. If the participant pulls off the road, talk, text and shoot to your heart's content!
Last edited by: Mark Lemmon: Jun 26, 18 6:56

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  • Post edited by Mark Lemmon (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 26, 18 6:40
  • Post edited by Mark Lemmon (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 26, 18 6:41
  • Post edited by Mark Lemmon (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 26, 18 6:56